
  • 08 Feb 2016 4:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Washington Watch: Legislative Update
    For the Week of 1 February 2016
    I.         Legislative News and Activity
    II.       This Week in Congress
    III.    Update on Top Legislative Priorities
    IV.     DAY ON THE HILL 2016!!!
    V.     Follow the FOP National Legislative Office on Twitter!

    Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with numerous Administration officials regarding the intentional data breach by hackers of the FOP data servers.  These contacts, most on multiple occasions are:

    • Heather Childs, Chief of Staff to Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillen Yates;
    • G. Scott Hulsey, Senior Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General; and
    • Scott Ferber, Senior Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General and prosecutor specializing in cybercrime cases.

    Executive Director Pasco spoke to numerous media outlets regarding the hack attack of the FOP databases.

    Executive Director Pasco spoke with W. Ross Ashley III, Executive Director of the National Fusion Center Association, which offered the expert help in addressing the hack attack on the FOP.

    Executive Director spoke with Brian de Vallance, former Assistant Secretary of the Office of Legislative Affairs at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, about homeland security concerns and the attack on the FOP's data servers.

    Executive Director Pasco spoke with Ronald L. Davis, Director of the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) at the U.S. Department of Justice to discuss setting up a summit to focus on the issues and perspectives of rank-and-file officer on policing challenges.

    Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson represented the FOP on a conference call with M. Kendall Day and Alice W. Dery, the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section of the DOJ to discuss asset forfeiture reform.

    Legislative Liaison Martin met with staff in the office of Representative H.W. "Trey" Gowdy III to discuss  S.125/H.R. 228, the “Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Reauthorization Act, ” H.R. 3537, the “Synthetic Drug Control Act," and H.R. 4229, the "Protecting Our Youth from Dangerous Synthetic Drugs Act."

    Senior Legislative Liaison Richardson and Legislative Liaison Marisa Beam participated in a conference call with stakeholder organizations to discuss issued related to the Public Safety Benefits program.

    Legislative Liaison Beam represented the FOP at a meeting of the Public Pension Network.

    Senior Legislative Liaison Richardson and Legislative Liaison Martin attended a meeting of the law enforcement groups to discuss upcoming issues in this legislative session.

    Senior Legislative Liaison Richardson and Legislative Liaison Martin represented the FOP at a reception hosted by the National District Attorneys Association.  Senator John Cornyn III (R-TX) was the keynote speaker.

    Both chambers were in session this week.

    Action in the House
    The House considered and passed H.R. 3662, the "Iran Terror Finance Transparency Act," on a 246-181 vote.  The bill, which now goes to the Senate for further action, which would prohibit the President from removing certain foreign financial institutions, including an Iranian financial institution, from the lists of designated nationals and blocked persons.

    The House tried and fail to overturn the President's veto of H.R. 3762, the "Restoring Americans' Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act," on a 241-186 vote.

    Action in House Committees
    The Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing this week entitled: "Another Surge of Illegal Immigrants Along the Southwest Border: Is this the Obama Administration’s New Normal?"

    The Committee on Homeland security held a hearing entitled: "Crisis of Confidence: Preventing Terrorist Infiltration through U.S. Refugee and Visa Programs."

    The Committee on Energy and Commerce's Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held a hearing entitled: "Status of the Public Safety Broadband Network."

    The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform's Subcommittee on National Security held a hearing entitled: "Seeking Justice for Victims of Palestinian Terrorism in Israel."

    Action in the Senate
    The Senate continued consideration of S. 2012, the "Energy Policy Modernization Act."  Late Friday votes on the measure are possible.

    Action in Senate Committees
    The Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing entitled: "Attacking America's Epidemic of Heroin and Prescription Drug Abuse."

    The Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs held a hearing entitled: ""Frontline Response to Terrorism in America."

    For the complete list of cosponsors for all of our top legislative priorities, or to find out if your Representative and Senators are cosponsors of specific bills, check out

    A.  Support H.R. 973/S. 1651, the "Security Fairness Act"
    We added 1 cosponsor to H.R. 973, bringing our current total to 134.

    We have 21 cosponsors on S. 1651.

    B.  Support H.R. 2254, the "Law Enforcement Officers' Equity Act"
    We have 14 cosponsors on H.R. 2254.

    IV.  DAY ON THE HILL 2016!
    Your participation in this year's Day on the Hill is of critical importance as the 114th Congress begins its final session and the Presidential campaigns heat up. We need to make our voices heard and work hard to ensure that our issues are considered in the year ahead and by all the candidates for President. Please attend if you can; we need your participation!!!

    The FOP Day on The Hill 2016 will begin on Monday, 29 February 2016. The National Legislative Office and the National Legislative Committee will host a short briefing on our legislative agenda. The briefing will take place at 3pm on that Monday afternoon at D.C. Lodge #1 and last approximately one hour.

    Tuesday and Wednesday, 1-2 March, will be devoted to your meetings with Members from your home States and districts. These appointments should be made in advance!!! Event participants should make every effort to have their Representative or Senator attend the meeting along with the appropriate staff person.

    Accommodations for Day on the Hill Participants
    The room block is no longer available.

    V.      Follow the FOP National Legislative Office on Twitter!
    Sign up today for the latest news from Capitol Hill:

    To remove your name from our mailing list, please send an email to with REMOVE and the State in which you live, in the Subject Line
    Questions or Comments? E-mail us at or call (202) 547 - 8189.
    Grand Lodge Website | Legislative Office




  • 15 May 2015 3:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Washington Watch: Legislative Update
    For the Week of 11 May 2015

    I.          Legislative News and Activity
    II.         This Week in Congress
    III.       Update on Top Legislative Priorities
    IV.     FOP NEWS: President Obama Joins FOP in Salute to Fallen Heroes
    V.      FOP NEWS
    : House Passes Blue Alert!!!
    VI.     FOP NEWS: POLITICO Article: The Secret Weapon for America's Beleaguered Police
    VII.    Follow the FOP National Legislative Office on Twitter

    National President Canterbury presided over the 34th Annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.  President Barack H. Obama II was the key note speaker (see Item IV. below).

    Executive Director Jim Pasco met with Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. at a breakfast reception to discuss law enforcement issues.

    National President Canterbury and Executive Director Pasco met with the new U.S. Attorney General, Loretta E. Lynch, to discuss current events and future cooperation.

    National President Canterbury, Executive Director Pasco, Vincent Canales, President of the Maryland State Lodge, and Gene Ryan, President of Baltimore Lodge #3, met with Vanita Gupta, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and her staff to discuss impending investigation of the Baltimore Police Department.

    Executive Director Pasco met with Alejandro Mayorkas, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, about current developments in law enforcement.

    Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson represented the FOP at a meeting hosted by the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to discuss potential legislation reforming Federal asset forfeiture laws.

    Senior Legislative Liaison Richardson represented the FOP at a meeting with Senator Timothy E. Scott (R-SC) to dicuss the issue of Body Worn Cameras (BWC).

    Both chambers were in session this week.

    Action in the House
    The House considered and passed S. 665, the "Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act," by voice vote.  The measure now goes to the President for his signature (See Item V. below).

    The House considered and passed several pro-law enforcement bills which the FOP supported:

    • H.R. 606, the "Don't Tax Our Fallen Public Safety Heroes Act," amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude compensation received by officers and their dependents from gross income;
    • H.R. 723, the "Fallen Heroes Flag Act," which provides a Capitol-flown flag to the immediate families of law enforcement officers who are killed in the line of duty; and
    • H.R. 2146, the "Defending Public Safety Employees Retirement Act," allowing officers to make penalty-free withdrawals from governmental plans before the age of 50.
    These three bills will now be transmitted to the Senate for further action

    The House also considered and passed H.R. 2048, the " Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring (USA FREEDOM) Act," on a 338-88 vote.  The bill will now be transmitted to the Senate for further action.

    Action in the Senate
    The Senate considered and confirmed Sally Quillian Yates to be the next Deputy Attorney General of the United States on a 84-12 vote.

    The Senate continued debate on legislation entitled the "Trade Promotion Authority Act," which would revise current Federal procedures when considering and approving trade deals with other nations.

    For the complete list of cosponsors for all of our top legislative priorities, or to find out if your Representative and Senators are cosponsors of specific bills, check out

    A.  Support H.R. 973, the "Social Security Fairness Act"
    We added 2 new cosponsors to H.R. 973, bringing our current total to 100.

    The Senate companion bill has not yet been reintroduced.

    B.  Support the "Law Enforcement Officers' Equity Act"
    This bill has not yet been introduced.

    C.  Support Legislation to Grant Statutory Arrest Authority to Civilian DoD Law Enforcement
    This bill has not yet been introduced.

    IV.     FOP NEWS: President Obama Joins FOP in Salute to Fallen Heroes: 34th Annual Memorial Service Honors Officers Sacrifice
    Today the Fraternal Order of Police and its Auxiliary will gather on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol to honor 131 law enforcement officers who gave their lives in the line of duty, including 117 of which were killed in 2014.  The National Peace Officers Memorial Service is the capstone event of National Police Week.

    Chuck Canterbury, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, will host the event which will feature a keynote address by President Barack Obama and a musical tribute performed by ....

    One week each year, our nation pauses to recognize the extraordinary dedication and service of our local, State, tribal, and Federal law enforcement officers, Canterbury said. National Peace Officers Memorial Day is the day that we honor the memory of those officers who lost their lives in the line of duty and grieve with the loved ones they have left behind.  The sacrifices of these heroes and their families help all of us to make and renew our commitment to protect and serve our communities and our nation.

    During National Police Week, thousands of law enforcement officers in every region of the nation gather at memorial services to honor their fallen colleagues.  More than 20,000 officers, as well as the surviving family members and friends of slain officers, have traveled to the nation s capital to attend the 34 th Annual National Peace Officers Memorial Service, which is the nation s largest and most prominent memorial service held on behalf of fallen law enforcement officers.

    In October 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15 th as National Peace Officers Memorial Day.  Since the signing of this proclamation, this date has been the official day of recognition for law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the performance of their duty.  This is the 34 th year that the Fraternal Order of Police and its Auxiliary have held the National Peace Officers Memorial Service. 

    Chuck Canterbury, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, applauded news that the House passed S. 665, the "Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act." three other measures of legislation important to law enforcement, under suspension of the rules.

    "The National Blue Alert Act is a key piece of the FOP's Officer Safety Agenda," Canterbury said. "Immediately after it was favorably passed by the Senate we began working with House offices to get the bill to the floor and pass it. Today, we saw the success of that effort."

    The legislation would provide for local, regional, and national dissemination of time sensitive information that would help apprehend a suspect accused of killing, kidnapping, seriously wounding, or who may pose an imminent and credible threat to a law enforcement officer.

    "The FOP is grateful for the authors of the House companion bill, Representative David G. Reichert, a former sheriff, and Representative William J. Pascrell," said Canterbury. "The FOP is especially grateful for Senator Leahy, whose dogged efforts played a critical role in getting this bill through the Senate, ultimately leading to its passage in the House today."

    The "Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act," now goes to President Obama, who is expected to sign the bills into law.

    Three additional measures were considered and passed by the House: H.R. 723, the "Fallen Heroes Flag Act," which provides a Capitol-flown flag to the immediate families of law enforcement officers who are killed in the line of duty; H.R. 606, the "Don't Tax Our Fallen Public Safety Heroes Act," amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude compensation received by officers and their dependents from gross income; and H.R. 2146, the "Defending Public Safety Employees Retirement Act," allowing officers to make penalty-free withdrawals from governmental plans before the age of 50. These three bills will now be transmitted to the Senate for further action.

    VI.     FOP NEWS: POLITICO Article: The Secret Weapon for America's Beleaguered Police
    Read this week's POLITICO article entitled The Secret Weapon for America's Beleaguered Police here:

    VII.    Follow the FOP National Legislative Office on Twitter!
    Sign up today for the latest news from Capitol Hill:

    To remove your name from our mailing list, please send an email to with REMOVE and the State in which you live, in the Subject Line
    Questions or Comments? E-mail us at or call (202) 547 - 8189.
    Grand Lodge Website | Legislative Office

  • 15 Feb 2015 1:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     Washington Watch: Legislative Update
    For the Week of 26 January 2015

    I.               Legislative News and Activity
    II.             This Week in Congress
    III.    Update on Top Legislative Priorities
    IV.     FOP News
    : FOP Frustrated by FCC Failure on Location Accuracy Rule
    V.      DAY ON THE HILL 2015!!!
    VI.     Follow the FOP National Legislative Office on Twitter

    Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with officials at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and key members of the Senate Committee on Appropriations about S. Amdt. 67 offered by Senator Daniel S. Sullivan (R-AK) to S 1., the "Keystone XL Pipeline Act."  The amendment, which the FOP strongly opposed, would have stripped law enforcement officers employed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of their authority to carry firearms.  The amendment was not considered and was rendered moot after cloture was invoked on the underlying bill.

    Executive Director Pasco discussed law enforcement views and concerns with the issue of Internet gaming with officials at the DOJ.

    Executive Director Pasco responded to numerous media inquiries with respect to the activities of the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing and the officer safety implications of the application Waze.

    Jay McDonald, President of the Ohio State Lodge, and Kathy Harrell, President of the Queen City Lodge #69, gave testimony to the "Policy and Oversight" Listening Session of the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing on " Use of Force Investigations and Oversight" and "Law Enforcement Culture and Diversity," respectively.  You can read their testimonies here:

    Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson and Legislative Liaison Marie Carchedi participated in a conference call with other law enforcement and stakeholder groups regarding legislation to combat human trafficking.

    Both the House and the Senate were in session this week, although the House went into recess on Wednesday afternoon to allow for the annual Democratic retreat.

    Action in the House
    The House considered and passed H.R. 246 on a 411-0 vote.  The bill, which goes to the Senate for further consideration, amends the Missing and Exploited Children Act to expand the definition of "child prostitution" to include trafficking and exploitation.

    The House considered and passed H.R. 469, the "Strengthening Child Welfare Response to Trafficking Act," on a 410-0 vote.  The bill, which now goes to th Senate for further action, expands the eligibility of certain grant programs under the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act.

    Action in the Senate
    The Senate considered a number of amendments to S. 1, the "Keystone XL Pipeline Act," and then passed that legislation on a 62-36 vote.  The bill will now go to the House or a conference committee for further action.

    Action in Senate Committees
    The Committee on the Judiciary  held two hearings on the nomination of U.S. Attorney Loretta E. Lynch to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

    For the complete list of cosponsors for all of our top legislative priorities, or to find out if your Representative and Senators are cosponsors of specific bills, check out

    A.  Support the "Law Enforcement Officers' Equity Act"
    This bill has not yet been introduced.

    B.  Support the "Social Security Fairness Act"
    This bill has not yet been introduced.

    C.  Support Legislation to Grant Statutory Arrest Authority to Civilian DoD Law Enforcement
    This bill has not yet been introduced.

    IV.     FOP NEWS : FOP Frustrated by FCC Failure on Location Accuracy Rule
    Chuck Canterbury, National President of the Fraternal Order of Police, expressed frustration with news that the final rule adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) failed to require cellular telephone companies to improve indoor wireless location accuracy.

    The technology exists and its use would have greatly improved the ability of law enforcement and other public safety officers to locate cell calls made indoors, Canterbury explained.  The blended indoor-outdoor standard that appears in the final rule is a huge loophole for the carriers.

    While the text of the final rule is not yet available, information from the FCC indicates that it lacks a provision the FOP supported that would have required location accuracy requirements on cellular calls to within fifty meters horizontally and three meters vertically.  This requirement is of particular importance in urban areas with large numbers of multistory buildings.

    The location accuracy requirements would have reduced response times to emergency calls and  increased the safety of law enforcement and other public safety officers executing searches in hazardous environments, Canterbury said.  The FCC really missed the mark here and did public safety a grave disservice.

    V.  FOP NEWS: DAY ON THE HILL 2015!!!
    Your participation in this year's Day on the Hill is of critical importance as our profession is in crisis.  The FOP is ready to wage an intense campaign to get the attention of the Administration and Congress and to focus their attention on OUR issues and OUR safety.  We need you to help make sure our voice is heard!


    The FOP Day on The Hill 2015 will begin on Monday, 9 February 2015. The National Legislative Office and the National Legislative Committee will host a short briefing on our legislative agenda. The briefing will take place at 3pm on Monday afternoon at D.C. Lodge #1 and last approximately one hour.

    Tuesday and Wednesday, 10-11 February, will be devoted to your meetings with Members from your home States and districts. These appointments should be made in advance!!! Event participants should make every effort to have their Representative or Senator attend the meeting along with the appropriate staff person.

    The information material that will be distributed to all Day on the Hill attendees can be found here:

    VI.     Follow the FOP National Legislative Office on Twitter!
    Sign up today for the latest news from Capitol Hill:

  • 22 Dec 2014 12:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Minnesota Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 1 recognized for community engagement, collaborative partnerships and charitable giving

    The CC265 Conference Room occupies one of the busiest corners on the Inver Hills Community College campus. Located next to Student Services in the College Center, the conference room is an important gathering place for students. On Dec. 2, 2014, CC265 was renamed the Fraternal Order of Police Minnesota Lodge 1 Conference Room to recognize the organization’s community involvement and charitable works.

    Tim Wynes, J.D., IHCC president, spoke at the naming ceremony, welcoming Mike Norstrem, FOP president, Patrick Sloan, FOP 1st vice president, Randy Dalbec, FOP treasurer, and Dan Athmann, an instructor in the college’s Law Enforcement program. Sloan and Dalbec are also IHCC alumni. Wynes thanked Minnesota FOP Lodge 1 on behalf of Inver Hills staff, faculty, students and the IHCC Foundation Board of Directors as well as the community members the college serves.

    About Minnesota FOP Lodge 1

    With more than 200 members, MN FOP Lodge 1 is a 501c(8) nonprofit organization. The FOP is the largest law enforcement organization in the country, perhaps the world, with over 300,000 members. The FOP started in Minnesota in 1991 with Lodge 1 and a few members and has grown to over 2,600 active members in 24 local lodges. The mission of the FOP in Minnesota is to encourage fraternal, educational, charitable, and social activities among law enforcement officers and cultivate a spirit of fraternalism with mutual helpfulness among Members and the people we serve. (read more…)

    Courtesy of the MN FOP Lodge 1 website

    Wynes spotlighted the collaborative work FOP MN Lodge 1 has accomplished with numerous community partners, including school programs, food shelves and the Boy Scouts. Through the partnership with Inver Hills, FOP MN Lodge 1 has donated $90,000 in pledges and gifts to support scholarship and tuition assistance programs for students pursuing A.S. degrees in Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice and Emergency Medical Services.

    “The impact of this support is incredible,” Wynes said. “Inver Hills scholarship recipients are among the best and brightest scholars in our student community. We are proud to name the College Center 265 Conference Room the Fraternal Order of Police Minnesota Lodge 1 Conference Room. The contributions of FOP Lodge 1 will inspire students, faculty and staff for years to come.”

  • 22 Oct 2014 7:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     In August 2015, the National Fraternal Order of Police will conduct its 62nd National Conference and Exposition at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA, where we were founded. Hosted by the Pennsylvania State Lodge, this event represents one hundred years of professional law enforcement experience for the largest and oldest law enforcement labor organization in the United States. We anticipate a large gathering to celebrate our 100th Anniversary.

    The National Fraternal Order of Police holds a National Conference every two years to set the goals and agenda for the organization. The business of the order is conducted, seminars are offered, Constitution & By-Laws are reviewed and changed, the Executive Board is elected, National Trustees and Committee Chairs report their activities, and exhibitors from around the country showcase their products and services at our EXPO.

    Law enforcement officials from all over the country are expected to attend, including: police chiefs, administrators, sheriffs, training officers, fleet managers, federal officers, correction officers, and procurement staff.

  • 14 Jun 2014 4:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     Washington Watch: Legislative Update
    For the Week of 9 June 2014

    I.      Legislative News and Activity
    II.     This Week in Congress
    III.    Update on Top Legislative Priorities
    IV.     Follow the FOP National Legislative Office on Twitter

    Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Lawrence E. Strickling, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information at the U.S. Department of Commerce, regarding impending vacancies on the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) Advisory Board.

    Rick Fulginiti, Trustee for the Maryland State Lodge and Chairman of the National Legislative Committee, testified before the U.S. Sentencing Commission, which is considering the retroactive application of new, lower sentencing guidelines for drug traffickers.  You can view that testimony here:

    Legislative Liaison Marie Carchedi represented the FOP at a monthly meeting of other law enforcement and criminal justice groups to hear from staff in the office of U.S. Senator   Cory A. Booker (D-NJ).

    Both the House and the Senate were in session this week.

    Action in the House
    The House considered, amended and passed H.R. 4757, the "Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2015," on a 229-192 vote.

    The House debated amendments to H.R. 4800, the "Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2015," but did not hold a final vote on passage.

    Action in House Committees
    The Committee on Appropriations considered, amended and favorably reported draft legislation funding the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  The bill goes to the floor for further consideration.

    The Committee on the Judiciary held an oversight hearing on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

    Action in the Senate
    The Senate considered, amended and passed H.R. 3230, the "Pay Our Guard and Reserve Act," on a 93-3 vote.  The bill, which makes necessary reforms to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, now goes to the House for further action.

    Action in Senate Committees
    The Committee on the Judiciary held an oversight hearing on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

    For the complete list of cosponsors for all of our top legislative priorities, or to find out if your Representative and Senators are cosponsors of specific bills, check out

    A.  Support H.R. 1362/S. 1172, the "Law Enforcement Officers' Equity Act"
    We added one new cosponsor to H.R. 1362, bringing our current total to 26.

    The Senate companion bill, S. 1172, has no cosponsors at this time.

    B.  Support H.R. 1795/S. 896, the "Social Security Fairness Act"
    We have118 cosponsors on H.R. 1795.

    We have 18 cosponsors on S. 896.

    C.  Support Legislation to Grant Statutory Arrest Authority to Civilian DoD Law Enforcement
    The FOP is engaged in an effort to incorporate language into the Defense reauthorization bills. 

    IV.     Follow the FOP National Legislative Office on Twitter!
    Sign up today for the latest news from Capitol Hill:

    To remove your name from our mailing list, please send an email to with REMOVE and the State in which you live, in the Subject Line
    Questions or Comments? E-mail us at or call (202) 547 - 8189.
    Grand Lodge Website | Legislative Office

  • 31 Mar 2014 4:13 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Lodge One President Norstrem presented a champions belt to Nahtxu Vang of Rice Street Region II club. He defeated Carlos Lopez in the event. Region II Golden Gloves is celebrating its Diamond Anniversary , 75  years in introducing young men to boxing. Lodge 1 is a proud sponsor of Golden Gloves through our charitable gaming. Event took place March 29, 2014 at WSP Armory.
  • 26 Mar 2014 3:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Criminal Justice Program Support (CJPS)

    International Civilian Police Advisor I-V

    1320 Braddock Place

    Alexandria, VA 22314


    Engility is seeking experienced Police Advisors to deploy to multiple locations worldwide.

    International Police Advisors, through Criminal Justice Program Support (CJPS)

    directives, will assist foreign Governments in a variety of training missions including

    assessing, monitoring, advising, and mentoring civilian police. The experience criteria

    and location of potential assignments are posted on the Engility website. Bilingual,

    Spanish, Russian, French speakers or the ability to speak other languages is desired.

    Please follow instructions below to submit your online application:

    1. To apply for a Police Advisor position, go to the Engility website at


    2. Locate the tab at the top of the page and click on the “Careers” tab.

    3. Click on “Opportunities.”

    4. To search for an International Police Advisor position, type in keyword “CJPS.”

    5. Scroll down, find your position of interest and follow instructions to apply and

    upload your resume.

  • 05 Feb 2014 4:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Washington Watch: Legislative Update
    For the Week of 27 January 2014

    I.      Legislative News and Activity
    II.     This Week in Congress
    III.    Update on Top Legislative Priorities

    Executive Director Jim Pasco spoke with Alejandro Mayorkas, Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, about the Department's law enforcement priorities.

    Executive Director Pasco spoke with Brian de Vallance, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Office of Legislative Affairs with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security about immigration issues.

    Executive Director Pasco spoke with Michele M. Leonhart, Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, about legalization issues.

    Executive Director Pasco spoke with R. Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and the nominee to be the next Commissioner for U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, about legalization and customs enforcement issues.

    Executive Director Pasco and Senior Legislative Liaison Tim Richardson met with Ronald L. Davis, the new Director for the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), as well as his top staff.

    Executive Director Pasco spoke with Edward Pagano, Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs (Senate), regarding executive nominations.  Pagano is a long-time friend of the FOP and will be leaving the White House for the private sector.  He will be greatly missed.

    Executive Director Pasco spoke with Lise Clavel, Special Assistant to the President and Assistant to the Vice President for Intergovernmental Affairs, Public Engagement, and Correspondence, regarding current nominations, immigration reform, prison overcrowding, mandatory minimum sentences and pending appropriations bills.

    Legislative Liaison Marie Carchedi met with staff in the offices of Senators Dean A. Heller (R-NV) and Robert P. Corker, Jr. (R-TN) to discuss H.R. 180/S. 357,  the "National Blue Alert Act," and S. 933, the "Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Reauthorization Act."

    Legislative Liaison Carchedi represented the FOP at the Take 25 Partner Appreciation event held at the headquarters for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

    Both the House and the Senate were in session for part of this week.

    Action in the House
    The House considered and passed H.R. 2642, the "Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act," on a 251-166 vote.  The "farm bill" now goes to the Senate for further action.

    Action in the Senate
    The Senate considered and passed S. 1926, a bill making changes to flood insurance, on a 67-32 vote.  The measure will now be transmitted to the House for further action.

    Action in Senate Committees
    The Committee on the Judiciary held an oversight hearing on the U.S. Department of Justice.  U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. testified.

    The Committee on the Judiciary considered, amended and favorably reported S. 1410, the "Smarter Sentencing Act," on a 13-5 vote.  The bill, which the FOP is evaluating, is now pending before the full Senate.

    For the complete list of cosponsors for all of our top legislative priorities, or to find out if your Representative and Senators are cosponsors of specific bills, check out

    A.  Support H.R. 1362/S. 1172, the "Law Enforcement Officers' Equity Act"
    We have 20 cosponsors on H.R. 1362.

    The Senate companion bill, S. 1172, has no cosponsors at this time.

    B.  Support H.R. 1795/S. 896, the "Security Fairness Act"
    We have 109 cosponsors on H.R. 1795.

    We have 16 cosponsors on S. 896.

    C.  Support Legislation to Grant Statutory Arrest Authority to Civilian DoD Law Enforcement
    There is no actively pending legislation addressing this objective.

    IV.    FOP NEWS: DAY ON THE HILL 2014!!!

    The FOP Day on The Hill 2014 will begin on Monday, 10 February 2014. The National Legislative Office and the National Legislative Committee will host a short briefing on our legislative agenda. The briefing will take place on Monday afternoon at D.C. Lodge #1 and last approximately one hour.

    Tuesday and Wednesday, 11-12 February, will be devoted to your meetings with Members from your home States and districts. These appointments should be made in advance!!! Event participants should make every effort to have their Representative or Senator attend the meeting along with the appropriate staff person.

  • 22 Jan 2014 1:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Celebrating 100 years of the FOP
    Limited Edition Commemorative
    S&W Model 10


    Limited Edition Commemorative
    Display Case


    • These are made by the Smith and Wesson custom shop
    • Smith and Wesson Model 10 .38 Special +P
    • Production Limited to Number Sold During Ordering Period
    • Price Includes Delivery to your FFL or Department
    • S&W Factory Produced with Unique Part Number
    • These guns are restricted to FOP members (Family may buy as a gift with verification of recipient’s membership)
    No Discounts Apply


    Order Notes:

    Go to the Grand Lodge website for further information on ordering

    • This is a two-year program with final orders being taken at the 2015 convention in Pittsburgh, PA
    • Orders, production, and delivery will take place throughout the period with multiple production runs as minimum order quantities are met.
    • Cards will be charged when minimum production quantities are met and an order for production is placed. Firearms will ship approximately 60 days later.
    • Firearms must ship to either a Federal Firearms Licensee or to your department with proper documentation
    • Price includes shipping to your FFL or Department
    • You will receive an order confirmation with details and directions on how to complete your order
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